This is the process of extracting stone and other materials from the earth, often to produce aggregates such as sand, gravel and crushed rock.

Quarrying & Mining

Quarrying & Mining


This is the process of extracting stone and other materials from the earth, often to produce aggregates such as sand, gravel and crushed rock…

These sites are known around the world by various names such as "surface mines", "pits", "open pits" and "strip mines". Mining, on the other hand, focuses on the extraction of valuable geological resources and minerals from the earth's surface, which are essential to provide materials that are not produced by agriculture.

Mining activities often reflect the distribution of mineral deposits, but costs can vary significantly. Factors such as the depth of deposits or their location - whether on land or at sea - can lead to significant differences in the cost of extraction.

The mining industry is divided into two main categories based on the type of product extracted: one focuses on energy-producing materials such as coal, crude oil, natural gas and uranium, while the other deals with non-energy materials such as metal ores, stone, sand, clay, salt and minerals used in chemicals and fertilizers.
